Letter Of Inquery

Inquiry is a request for information; investigation. The auditor in conducting the examination seeks to obtain audit evidence by asking pertinent questions of client personnel or third parties. Answers obtained from such questions typically require corroboration. For example, the auditor may ask an employee why promotion expense is so high for the period, and the reply may be that some of it represents nonbusiness items. The propriety of the promotion expense account must then be evaluated by examining source documents. Another example is that of an auditor asking an employee where a given asset is located so that the asset can be visually corroborated. The question-asking aspect of the auditor with regard to third parties may be in such form as confirmations and legal letters.

Sample Letters of inquiry
Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Phone Number
Individual's Name
Job Title
Name of Organization
Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms. ________________________________:
Perhaps you are seeking an addition to your marketing team. A new person can provide innovative approaches to the challenges of marketing. I am an innovator of new ideas, an excellent communicator with buyers, and have a demonstrated history of marketing success.
Presently, I am marketing computer products for a major supplier using television, radio and news advertising. I have a reputation for putting forth the effort required to make a project succeed.
Enclosed is my resume for your review and consideration. EFTG Industries has a reputation for excellence. I would like to use my talents to market your quality line of technical products. I will call you to further discuss my talents and how I can benefit your company. If you prefer, you may reach me in the evenings at (555) 555-5555.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting you.
(Your Signature in blue or black ink)
Your typed name
Source: Creative Job Search, a publication of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development

100 Kata Mutiara dalam Lirik Lagu Iwan Fals

1.“Berhentilah jangan salah gunakan, kehebatan ilmu pengetahuan untuk menghancurkan”
(Puing – album Sarjana Muda 1981)

2.“Hei jangan ragu dan jangan malu, tunjukkan pada dunia bahwa sebenarnya kita mampu”.
(Bangunlah Putra-Putri Pertiwi – album Sarjana Muda 1981)

3.”Cepatlah besar matahariku, menangis yang keras janganlah ragu, hantamlah sombongnya dunia buah hatiku, doa kami dinadimu”.
(Galang Rambu Anarki – album Opini 1982)

4.“Jalan masih teramat jauh, mustahil berlabuh bila dayung tak terkayuh”.
(Maaf Cintaku – album Sugali 1984)

5.“Jangan kau paksakan untuk tetap terus berlari, bila luka di kaki belum terobati”.
(Berkacalah Jakarta – album Sugali 1984)

6.“Riak gelombang suatu rintangan, ingat itu pasti kan datang, karang tajam sepintas seram, usah gentar bersatu terjang”.
(Cik – album Sore Tugu Pancoran 1985)

7.“Aku tak sanggup berjanji, hanya mampu katakan aku cinta kau saat ini, entah esok hari, entah lusa nanti, entah”.
(Entah – album Ethiopia 1986)

8.“Mengapa bunga harus layu?, setelah kumbang dapatkan madu, mengapa kumbang harus ingkar?, setelah bunga tak lagi mekar”.
(Bunga-Bunga Kumbang-Kumbang – album Ethiopia 1986)

9.“Ternyata banyak hal yang tak selesai hanya dengan amarah”.
(Ya Ya Ya Oh Ya – album Aku Sayang Kamu 1986)

10.“Dalam hari selalu ada kemungkinan, dalam hari pasti ada kesempatan”.
(Selamat Tinggal Malam – album Aku Sayang Kamu 1986)


11.“Kota adalah hutan belantara akal kuat dan berakar, menjurai didepan mata siap menjerat leher kita”.
(Kota – album Aku Sayang Kamu 1986)

12.“Jangan kita berpangku tangan, teruskan hasil perjuangan dengan jalan apa saja yang pasti kita temukan”.
(Lancar – album Lancar 1987)

13.“Jangan ragu jangan takut karang menghadang, bicaralah yang lantang jangan hanya diam”.
(Surat Buat Wakil Rakyat – album Wakil Rakyat 1987)

14.“Kau anak harapanku yang lahir di zaman gersang, segala sesuatu ada harga karena uang”.
(Nak – album 1910 1988)

15.“Sampai kapan mimpi mimpi itu kita beli?, sampai nanti sampai habis terjual harga diri”.
(Mimpi Yang Terbeli – album 1910 1988)

16.“Seperti udara kasih yang engkau berikan, tak mampu ku membalas, Ibu”.
(Ibu – album 1910 1988)

17.“Memang usia kita muda namun cinta soal hati, biar mereka bicara telinga kita terkunci”.
(Buku Ini Aku Pinjam – album 1910 1988)

18.“Dendam ada dimana mana di jantungku, di jantungmu, di jantung hari-hari”.
(Ada Lagi Yang Mati – album 1910 1988)

19.“Hangatkan tubuh di cerah pagi pada matahari, keringkan hati yang penuh tangis walau hanya sesaat”.
(Perempuan Malam – album Mata Dewa 1989)

20.“Kucoba berkaca pada jejak yang ada, ternyata aku sudah tertinggal, bahkan jauh tertinggal”.
(Nona – album Mata Dewa 1989)


21.“Oh ya! ya nasib, nasibmu jelas bukan nasibku, oh ya! ya takdir, takdirmu jelas bukan takdirku”.
(Oh Ya! – album Swami 1989)

22.“Wahai kawan hei kawan, bangunlah dari tidurmu, masih ada waktu untuk kita berbuat, luka di bumi ini milik bersama, buanglah mimpi-mimpi”.
(Eseks eseks udug udug (Nyanyian Ujung Gang) – album Swami 1989)

23.“Api revolusi, haruskah padam digantikan figur yang tak pasti?”.
(Condet – album Swami 1989)

24.“Kalau cinta sudah di buang, jangan harap keadilan akan datang”.
(Bongkar – album Swami 1989)

25.“Kesedihan hanya tontonan, bagi mereka yang diperkuda jabatan”.
(Bongkar – album Swami 1989)

26.“Orang tua pandanglah kami sebagai manusia, kami bertanya tolong kau jawab dengan cinta”.
(Bongkar – album Swami 1989)

27.“Satu luka perasaan, maki puji dan hinaan, tidak merubah sang jagoan menjadi makhluk picisan”.
(Rajawali – album Kantata Takwa 1990)

28.“Kesadaran adalah matahari, kesabaran adalah bumi, keberanian menjadi cakrawala, dan perjuangan adalah pelaksanaan kata kata”.
(Paman Doblang – album Kantata Takwa 1990)

29.“Mereka yang pernah kalah, belum tentu menyerah”.
(Orang-Orang Kalah – album Kantata Takwa 1990)

30.“Aku rasa hidup tanpa jiwa, orang yang miskin ataupun kaya sama ganasnya terhadap harta”.
(Nocturno – album Kantata Takwa 1990)


31.“Orang orang harus dibangunkan, kenyataan harus dikabarkan, aku bernyanyi menjadi saksi”.
(Kesaksian – album Kantata Takwa 1990)

32.“Ingatlah Allah yang menciptakan, Allah tempatku berpegang dan bertawakal, Allah maha tinggi dan maha esa, Allah maha lembut”.
(Kantata Takwa – album Kantata Takwa 1990)

33.“Kebimbangan lahirkan gelisah, jiwa gelisah bagai halilintar”.
(Gelisah – album Kantata Takwa 1990)

34.“Bagaimanapun aku harus kembali, walau berat aku rasa kau mengerti”.
(Air Mata – album Kantata Takwa 1990)

35.“Alam semesta menerima perlakuan sia sia, diracun jalan napasnya diperkosa kesuburannya”.
(Untuk Bram – album Cikal 1991)

36.“Duhai langit, duhai bumi, duhai alam raya, kuserahkan ragaku padamu, duhai ada, duhai tiada, duhai cinta, ku percaya”.
(Pulang Kerja – album Cikal 1991)

37.“Dimana kehidupan disitulah jawaban”.
(Alam Malam – album Cikal 1991)

38.“Ada dan tak ada nyatanya ada”.
(Ada – album Cikal 1991)

39.“Aku sering ditikam cinta, pernah dilemparkan badai, tapi aku tetap berdiri”.
(Nyanyian Jiwa – album Swami Il 1991)

40.“Aku mau jujur jujur saja, bicara apa adanya, aku tak mau mengingkari hati nurani”.
(Hio – album Swami Il 1991)


41.“Bibirku bergerak tetap nyanyikan cinta walau aku tahu tak terdengar, jariku menari tetap tak akan berhenti sampai wajah tak murung lagi”.
(Di Mata Air Tidak Ada Air Mata – album Belum Ada Judul 1992)

42.“Mengapa besar selalu menang?, bebas berbuat sewenang wenang, mengapa kecil selalu tersingkir?, harus mengalah dan menyingkir”.
(Besar Dan Kecil – album Belum Ada Judul 1992)

43.“Angin pagi dan nyanyian sekelompok anak muda mengusik ingatanku, aku ingat mimpiku, aku ingat harapan yang semakin hari semakin panjang tak berujung”.
(Aku Disini – album Belum Ada Judul 1992)

44.“Jalani hidup, tenang tenang tenanglah seperti karang”.
(Lagu Satu – album Hijau 1992)

45.“Sebentar lagi kita akan menjual air mata kita sendiri, karena air mata kita adalah air kehidupan”.
(Lagu Dua – album Hijau 1992)

46.“Kita harus mulai bekerja, persoalan begitu menantang, satu niat satulah darah kita, kamu adalah kamu aku adalah aku”.
(Lagu Tiga – album Hijau 1992)

47.“Kenapa kebenaran tak lagi dicari?, sudah tak pentingkah bagi manusia?”
(Lagu Empat- album Hijau 1992)

48.“Kenapa banyak orang ingin menang?, apakah itu hasil akhir kehidupan?”.
(Lagu Empat- album Hijau 1992)

49.“Anjingku menggonggong protes pada situasi, hatiku melolong protes pada kamu”.
(Lagu Lima – album Hijau 1992)

50.“Biar keadilan sulit terpenuhi, biar kedamaian sulit terpenuhi, kami berdiri menjaga dirimu”.
(Karena Kau Bunda Kami – album Dalbo 1993)


51.“Apa jadinya jika mulut dilarang bicara?, apa jadinya jika mata dilarang melihat?, apa jadinya jika telinga dilarang mendengar?, jadilah robot tanpa nyawa yang hanya mengabdi pada perintah”.
(Hura Hura Huru Hara – album Dalbo 1993)

52.“Tertawa itu sehat, menipu itu jahat”.
(Hua Ha Ha – album Dalbo 1993)

53.“Nyanyian duka nyanyian suka, tarian duka tarian suka, apakah ada bedanya?”
(Terminal – single 1994)

54.“Waktu terus bergulir, kita akan pergi dan ditinggal pergi”.
(Satu Satu – album Orang Gila 1994)

55.“Pelan-pelan sayang kalau mulai bosan, jangan marah-marah nanti cepat mati, santai sajalah”.
(Menunggu Ditimbang Malah Muntah – album Orang Gila 1994)

56.“Mau insaf susah, desa sudah menjadi kota”.
(Menunggu Ditimbang Malah Muntah – album Orang Gila 1994)

57.“Pertemuan dan perpisahan, dimana awal akhirnya?, dimana bedanya?”.
(Doa Dalam Sunyi – album Orang Gila 1994)

58.“Jika kata tak lagi bermakna, lebih baik diam saja”.
(Awang Awang – album Orang Gila 1994)

59.“Bagaimana bisa mengerti?, sedang kita belum berpikir, bagaimana bisa dianggap diam?, sedang kita belum bicara”.
(Awang Awang – album Orang Gila 1994)

60.“Aku bukan seperti nyamuk yang menghisap darahmu, aku manusia yang berbuat sesuai aturan dan keinginan”.
(Nasib Nyamuk – album Anak Wayang 1994)


61.“Oh susahnya hidup, urusan hati belum selesai, rumah tetangga digusur raksasa, pengusaha zaman merdeka”.
(Oh – single 1995)

62.“Aku disampingmu begitu pasti, yang tak kumengerti masih saja terasa sepi”.
(Mata Hati – album Mata Hati 1995)

63.“Sang jari menari jangan berhenti, kupasrahkan diriku digenggaman-Mu”.
(Lagu Pemanjat – album Lagu Pemanjat 1996)

64.“Lepaslah belenggu ragu yang membelit hati, melangkah dengan pasti menuju gerbang baru”.
(Songsonglah – album Kantata Samsara 1998)

65.“Berani konsekuen pertanda jantan”.
(Nyanyian Preman – album Kantata Samsara 1998)

66.“Dengarlah suara bening dalam hatimu, biarlah nuranimu berbicara”.
(Langgam Lawu – album Kantata Samsara 1998)

67.“Matinya seorang penyaksi bukan matinya kesaksian”.
(Lagu Buat Penyaksi – album Kantata Samsara 1998)

68.“Bertahan hidup harus bisa bersikap lembut, walau hati panas bahkan terbakar sekalipun”.
(Di Ujung Abad – album Suara Hati 2002)

69.“Jangan goyah percayalah teman perang itu melawan diri sendiri, selamat datang kemerdekaan kalau kita mampu menahan diri”.
(Dendam Damai – album Suara Hati 2002)

70.“Berdoalah sambil berusaha, agar hidup jadi tak sia-sia”.
(Doa – album Suara Hati 2002)

71.“Harta dunia jadi penggoda, membuat miskin jiwa kita”.
(Seperti Matahari – album Suara Hati 2002)

72.“Memberi itu terangkan hati, seperti matahari yang menyinari bumi”.
(Seperti Matahari – album Suara Hati 2002)

73.“Jangan heran korupsi menjadi jadi, habis itulah yang diajarkan”.
(Politik Uang – album Manusia Setengah Dewa 2004)

74.“Gelombang cinta gelombang kesadaran merobek langit yang mendung, menyongsong hari esok yang lebih baik”.
(Para Tentara – album Manusia Setengah Dewa 2004)

75.“Terhadap yang benar saja sewenang wenang, apalagi yang salah”.
(Mungkin – album Manusia Setengah Dewa 2004)

76.“Begitu mudahnya nyawa melayang, padahal tanpa diundang pun kematian pasti datang”.
(Matahari Bulan Dan Bintang – album Manusia Setengah Dewa 2004)

77.“Dunia kita satu, kenapa kita tidak bersatu?”.
(Matahari Bulan Dan Bintang – album Manusia Setengah Dewa 2004)

78.“Urus saja moralmu urus saja akhlakmu, peraturan yang sehat yang kami mau”.
(Manusia Setengah Dewa – album Manusia Setengah Dewa 2004)

79.“Di lumbung kita menabung, datang paceklik kita tak bingung”.
(Desa – album Manusia Setengah Dewa 2004)

80.“Tutup lubang gali lubang falsafah hidup jaman sekarang”.
(Dan Orde Paling Baru – album Manusia Setengah Dewa 2004)


81.“Buktikan buktikan!, kalau hanya omong burung beo pun bisa”.
(Buktikan – album Manusia Setengah Dewa 2004)

82.“Dunia politik dunia bintang, dunia hura hura para binatang”.
(Asik Nggak Asik – album Manusia Setengah Dewa 2004)

83.“Dewa-dewa kerjanya berpesta, sambil nyogok bangsa manusia”.
(17 Juli 1996 – album Manusia Setengah Dewa 2004)

84.“Tanam-tanam pohon kehidupan, siram siram sirami dengan sayang, tanam tanam tanam masa depan, benalu-benalu kita bersihkan”.
(Tanam-Tanam Siram-Siram – single 2006)

85.“Ada apa gerangan mengapa mesti tergesa gesa, tak bisakah tenang menikmati bulan penuh dan bintang”.
(Haruskah Pergi – 2006)

86.“Persoalan hidup kalau diikuti tak ada habisnya, soal lama pergi soal baru datang”.
(Selancar – 2006)

87.“Jaman berubah perilaku tak berubah, orang berubah tingkah laku tak berubah”.
(Rubah – album 50:50 2007)

88.“Satu hilang seribu terbilang, patah tumbuh hilang berganti”.
(Pulanglah – album 50:50 2007)

89.“Hidup ini indah berdua semua mudah, yakinlah melangkah jangan lagi gelisah”.
(KaSaCiMa – album 50:50 2007)

90.“Tak ada yang lepas dari kematian, tak ada yang bisa sembunyi dari kematian, pasti”.
(Ikan-Ikan – album 50:50 2007)


91.“Ada kamu yang mengatur ini semua tapi rasanya percuma, ada juga yang janjikan indahnya surga tapi neraka terasa”.
(Cemburu – album 50:50 2007)

92.“Hukum alam berjalan menggilas ludah, hukum Tuhan katakan “Sabar!”.
(Kemarau – uncassette)

93.“Yang pasti hidup ini keras, tabahlah terimalah”.
(Joned – uncassette)

94.“Oh negeriku sayang bangkit kembali, jangan berkecil hati bangkit kembali”.
(Harapan Tak Boleh Mati – uncassette)

95.“Oh yang ditinggalkan tabahlah sayang, ini rahmat dari Tuhan kita juga pasti pulang”.
(Harapan Tak Boleh Mati – uncassette)

96.“Tuhan ampunilah kami, ampuni dosa-dosa kami, ampuni kesombongan kami, ampuni bangsa kami, terimalah disisi-Mu korban bencana ini”.
(Saat Minggu Masih Pagi – uncassette)

97.“Nyatakan saja apa yang terasa walau pahit biasanya, jangan disimpan jangan dipendam, merdekakan jiwa”.
(Nyatakan Saja – uncassette)

98.“Usiamu tak lagi muda untuk terus terusan terjajah, jangan lagi membungkuk bungkuk agar dunia mengakuimu”.
(Merdeka – uncassette)

99.“Kau paksa kami untuk menahan luka ini, sedangkan kau sendiri telah lupa”.
(Luka Lama – uncassette)

100. “Oh Tuhan tolonglah, lindungi kami dari kekhilafan, oh ya Tuhan tolonglah, Ramadhan mengetuk hati orang orang yang gila perang”.
(Selamat Tinggal Ramadhan – uncassette)

Sample of Business Letter

1. Letter of Confidentiality Agreement


AGREEMENT and acknowledgement between _ (Company), and _
Whereas, the Company agrees to furnish the undersigned
certain confidential information relating to the affairs of
the Company for purposes of: (Describe)


Whereas, the undersigned agrees to review, examine,
inspect or obtain such information only for the purposes
described above, and to otherwise hold such information
confidential pursuant to the terms of this agreement,
BE IT KNOWN, that the Company has or shall furnish to the
undersigned certain confidential information, as set forth on
attached list, and may further allow the undersigned the right
to inspect the business of the Company and/or interview
employees or representatives of the Company, all on the
following conditions:
1. The undersigned agrees to hold all confidential or
proprietary information or trade secrets
("information") in trust and confidence and agrees
that it shall be used only for the contemplated
purpose, shall not be used for any other purpose or
disclosed to any third party.
2. No copies will be made or retained of any written
information supplied.
3. At the conclusion of our discussions, or upon demand
by the Company, all information, including written
notes, photographs, memoranda, or notes taken by you
shall be returned to us.
4. This information shall not be disclosed to any
employee or consultant unless they agree to execute
and be bound by the terms of this agreement.
5. It is understood that the undersigned shall have no
obligation with respect to any information known by the
undersigned or generally known within the industry
prior to date of this agreement, or becomes common
knowledge within the industry thereafter.

Dated: _



2. Letter of Customer service Request













OTHER___________________ ________________________



3. Letter of Contract Proposal For Service

We hereby propose to furnish all materials and perform all
labor necessary for the completion of Davit Installation
of the following specifications:

One No. 1000 lb. galvanized davit installed on seawall

Four-way lifting bridle

Three 2"x8" wood fenders anchored to the wall with 5'
rubber bumper strip on each.

This work is to be performed on Lot_____Blk________Sub.
Div.____ for (name of owner) , Owner, in accordance
with the drawings and specifications submitted for the
above work. The total cost including state tax is (amount)

Payments to be made as follows : the sum of (amount) to
be paid upon the approval of this contract and the balance
of (amount) upon the completion of the work.

Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications
involving extra cost of material or labor will only be
executed upon written orders for same and will become an
extra charge over the sum mentioned in this contract.
All agreements must be made in writing.

Property lines shall be designated by substantial marks, by
owner or his certified engineer. The contractors shall not
be liable, as regards to the completion of the work, for
any delay which may be caused by reason or on account of
any strike of workmanship, any Act of God, unavoidable
accidents, inability to secure materials or to use materials
in the performance of the work by reason of laws or
regulations of the United States of America or the State of
(state) , or any other circumstance beyond their
control, other than the want of funds. No such delay shall
be deemed a default on the part of the contractors, and, in
the event of any such delay, the contractor's time limit for
performance of the work shall be correspondingly extended.
Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance on the
above work shall be provided by the Contractor.

This Contract shall be deemed null and void if not signed
within thirty days.
Respectfully submitted,

4. Letter of goods contract


THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ___ day of
_________, l98_, by and between ___________________, the
Seller, and ___________________, the Buyer:

1. The seller hereby undertakes to transfer and deliver
to the buyer on or before __________, l98_, the following
described goods:

2. The buyer hereby undertakes to accept the goods and
pay for them in accordance with the terms of the contract.
3. It is agreed that identification shall not be deemed
to have been made until both the buyer and the seller have
agreed that the goods in question are to be appropriated to
the performance of the contract with the buyer.
4. The buyer shall make payment for the goods at the
time when and at the place where the goods are received by
5. Goods shall be deemed received by the buyer when
received by him at .
6. The risk of loss from any casualty to the goods
regardless of the cause thereof shall be on the seller until
the goods have been accepted by the buyer.
7. The seller warrants that the goods are now free and
at the time of delivery shall be free from any security
interest or other lien or encumbrance.
8. The seller further warrants that at the time of
signing this contract he neither knows nor has reason to
know of the existence of any outstanding title or claim of
title hostile to his rights in the goods.
9. The buyer shall have the right to examine the goods
on arrival, and within business days after such delivery
he must give notice to the seller of any claim for damages
on account of the condition, quality, or grade of the
property, and must specify the basis of his claim in detail.
The failure of the buyer to comply with these rules shall
constitute irrevocable acceptance of the goods.
10. Executed in duplicate, one copy of which was
delivered to and retained by the buyer, the day and year
first above written.

5. Letter of Aplication For License

I, (name of applicant), do hereby apply for a license to
display the trademark of (association), "(trademark) "
at my place of business located at (address) , in
the City of , State of .

That this application is in accordance with the
regulations of the (trade association).

I am cognizant of the regulations of (trade association)
that govern the display of said trademark and the manner
of conducting business, and I agree to abide by such
regulations at all times.

Dated:_______________ ______________________________

Sample Bussines Letter

Sample Bussines Letter

  1. Return Address: If your stationery has a letterhead, skip this. Otherwise, type your name, address and optionally, phone number. These days, it's common to also include an email address.

  2. Date: Type the date of your letter two to six lines below the letterhead. Three are standard. If there is no letterhead, type it where shown.

  3. Reference Line: If the recipient specifically requests information, such as a job reference or invoice number, type it on one or two lines, immediately below the Date (2). If you're replying to a letter, refer to it here. For example,

    • Re: Job # 625-01
    • Re: Your letter dated 1/1/200x.
  4. Special Mailing Notations: Type in all uppercase characters, if appropriate. Examples include

  5. On-Arrival Notations: Type in all uppercase characters, if appropriate. You might want to include a notation on private correspondence, such as a resignation letter. Include the same on the envelope. Examples are

  6. Inside Address: Type the name and address of the person and/or company to whom you're sending the letter, three to eight lines below the last component you typed. Four lines are standard. If you type an Attention Line (7), skip the person's name here. Do the same on the envelope.

  7. Attention Line: Type the name of the person to whom you're sending the letter. If you type the person's name in the Inside Address (6), skip this. Do the same on the envelope.

  8. Salutation: Type the recipient's name here. Type Mr. or Ms. [Last Name] to show respect, but don't guess spelling or gender. Some common salutations are

    • Ladies:
    • Gentlemen:
    • Dear Sir:
    • Dear Sir or Madam:
    • Dear [Full Name]:
    • To Whom it May Concern:
  9. Subject Line: Type the gist of your letter in all uppercase characters, either flush left or centered. Be concise on one line. If you type a Reference Line (3), consider if you really need this line. While it's not really necessary for most employment-related letters, examples are below.

  10. Body: Type two spaces between sentences. Keep it brief and to the point.

  11. Complimentary Close: What you type here depends on the tone and degree of formality. For example,

    • Respectfully yours (very formal)
    • Sincerely (typical, less formal)
    • Very truly yours (polite, neutral)
    • Cordially yours (friendly, informal)
  12. Signature Block: Leave four blank lines after the Complimentary Close (11) to sign your name. Sign your name exactly as you type it below your signature. Title is optional depending on relevancy and degree of formality. Examples are

    • John Doe, Manager
    • P. Smith
      Director, Technical Support
    • R. T. Jones - Sr. Field Engineer
  13. Identification Initials: If someone typed the letter for you, he or she would typically include three of your initials in all uppercase characters, then two of his or hers in all lowercase characters. If you typed your own letter, just skip it since your name is already in the Signature Block (12). Common styles are below.

    • JAD/cm
    • JAD:cm
    • clm
  14. Enclosure Notation: This line tells the reader to look in the envelope for more. Type the singular for only one enclosure, plural for more. If you don't enclose anything, skip it. Common styles are below.

    • Enclosure
    • Enclosures: 3
    • Enclosures (3)
  15. cc: Stands for courtesy copies (formerly carbon copies). List the names of people to whom you distribute copies, in alphabetical order. If addresses would be useful to the recipient of the letter, include them. If you don't copy your letter to anyone, skip it.

Bussines Letter Format

Writing a business letter can be tough work. I know because I used to have the hardest time trying to come up with the words and the proper layout of a business letter.

I'd used to sit there and stare at the computer screen wondering what the business letter writing mystery was about.

I'll tell you right now that it's no mystery. As long as you know the proper business letter formats, you should have no problem putting together a professional sounding business letter. A lot of the problem that people have with writing a business letter is that they don't know where things should go or what business letter format to use.

I know, I used to have that problem and I'm sure that if you're reading this page that you have the same problem. Well, I'm going to do my best to help clear some of that confusion and lay down the proper business letter formats.

Writing a business letter is so much harder than it has to be. I think this has to do with the way in which we were taught about how to write a business letter. Business letters used to be written (and still do) in what might be called rigid language.

A formal, stiff language that uses “the aforementioned” and “due to the fact that” phrases. Combine the formal language with business letter formats and you get a lot of confusion.

Alright, the first thing you need to remember for effective business letter formats is the different parts of the business letter.

There are many parts to the business letter, some required, some optional. The parts of the business letter are as follows:

1. Heading or letter head
2. Date
3. File number (optional)
4. Confidential (optional)
5. Address
6. Attention line (optional)
7. Salutation (optional)
8. Subject line (optional)
9. Body of the letter
10. Complimentary close (optional)
11. Signature
12. Added information (optional)
13. Postscripts (optional)
14. Mailing instructions (optional)


The heading is usually written at the very top of the letter. However, if you business or organization uses letter head with contact information, than you don't need to type in the address in the heading.


This should be the date the letter is written. If you write the letter today, it should have today's date on it. Be sure to write out the month and to include both the date and year for adequate reference

“File number”

This is an optional choice. Sometime you may want to state the file number or project number that you are writing about. This helps to communicate what it is you actually writing about. This is quite useful sometimes because there are some managers who simply have too much going on and don't want to be bothered having to remember what the project number is.


If you want only one pair of eyes to see this letter, use this word by physically separating the word from the rest of the letter by two lines. To assure confidentiality, including the word “confidential” on the envelope.


This should include the name of the person you are writing, the person's title if available, the name of the firm and the firm's address.

“Attention line”

If you know exactly who this letter is going to, you may want to use the exact name. For example: Attention: Wanda Smith. However if you don't know the name of the person, you may use a title. For example: Attention: Head of Account Receivable.


The salutation is used in all business letter formats to address the proper recipient. However, you must be careful to determine the most appropriate choice, given your reader and the situation. If you are uncertain about your reader's gender, avoid assuming gender in the salutation. Possible salutations include:

• Dear Madam:
• Dear Sir:
• Dear Mr. Jones:
• Dear Mrs. Barnes:
• Dear Ms. Barnes:
• Gentlemen:
• Ladies:
• To whom it may concern:

Whenever possible, try and use the correct name because people are more receptive to reading the letter when they see their name on it.

“Subject line”

The subject line is most commonly used in a simplified letter but can be appropriate in almost any situation. I almost always attach a subject line because it helps to clarify my point. This way the reader knows immediately what the letter is about.


This the core of your business letter. This is where you make requests, provide information or reasons or reply to someone.

“Complimentary close”

It's only polite to include a professional close such as:

• Very truly yours,
• Respectfully,
• Sincerely yours,
• Sincerely,

This varies in formality and is found in all business letters. Always include a complimentary close, no matter what the situation is.


Make sure you have enough room to sign your business letter between the complimentary close and your title. There should be about four to five lines of space between the close and your typed name and title. Don't try and squeeze your signature in because it looks unprofessional.

“Additional information”

If needed, this consists of the sender's initials in capital letters followed by a colon, followed by the typists initials in small letters. You may also include abbreviations such as “Enc.” which means enclosed, and other abbreviations such as “cc.” or “xc.” which means copies have been sent to the following names.

“Mailing instructions”

Use these to give the reader deadlines or pertinent information on mailing a reply.

Remember to use the proper business letter formats and you shouldn't have any problems writing up a professional letter. When deciding on what type of letter to use, remember to use a format for the business occasion.

If you're anything like me, you learn best by looking at examples. With that in mind, I though I'd put together some business letter examples to help you get started. The following sample letters are pretty straight forward so you shouldn't have too much problems.

The following example of business letters are meant to give you an idea of how to structure a business letter. The following business letter examples will show you how to format your business letter under the following categories:

• Collection Letters
• Sales and Promotional Letters
• Employment Letters
• Customer Relations Letters

Collection Letters

The sole purpose of a business collection letter is to get the customer to pay up. Writing a collection letter can be difficult because you have to use a certain tone to elicit a response.

Steps to Write Collection Letters

Step 1

Check the spelling of the client's name. Use a gender specific courtesy title only if you are certain of the recipient's gender. Getting a collection letter is bad enough, getting a collection letter that's addressed improperly adds to the irritation.

Step 2

The first part of the letter will state the situation, including the concern, the date of purchase, the amount owed and the due date.

Step 3

The next part of the letter should indicate the deadline for paying the outstanding amount and any resulting penalties if not payed. If your company has any policies regarding late payments such as grace periods and alternative payment plans, you can state it here.

Step 4

The third part of the letter should state the consequences of not paying.

Step 5

This part of the letter has a call to action. It should encourage the client to send full payment or to call you directly to arrange payment. End with goodwill and a positive attitude that this situation will be resolved in a satisfactorily manner.

Example of Business Letters - Collection Letter

Tough Wear
45123 Anytown, MI 45123

July 15, 2004

Jeremy Adams
541 Ramsey Court
Yourtown, MI 78456

Dear Mr. Adams:

Thank you for shopping with us. You are a valued client and we appreciate your business and know that you want to keep your account current with us.

On May 3, 2004, you purchased $400 of merchandise from our store in Yourtown. Your payment of $150 is now overdue.

In the credit arrangement you signed, you agreed to pay off your bill in three payments. The first payment of $150 was due June 3, 2004. Please send this amount now.

Failure to pay on time may affect your ability to charge merchandise at our store. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

You may call me at 1-888-895-2563 if you have any questions or concerns. Your continued patronage is important to us.


Paime Mimonei
Credit Manager

Example of business letters - Sales and Promotional Letters

Sales and promotional letters are used by salespeople to set up appointments, announce sales promotions, congratulate salespeople, announce specials, and introduce new specials.

These types of letters are sales tools and are usually much more creative than other business letters. The sole purpose of a sales letter is not really to sell but to generate interest in the product and elicit a response.

Steps to Writing Sales and Promotional Letters

Step 1

The first part of the letter states your purpose. Depending on the reason for writing the letter, this may vary from requesting an appointment to introducing a new salesperson. Remember, you want to interest your reader. Always identify the benefits to the reader.

Step 2

The second part of the letter backs up the first part. That is, it gives the details or background information regarding the purpose. This is the part of the letter that will stimulate the interest of the reader. If you are making a request, than this part would give the reason for the request.

Step 3

The last part of the letter states a call to action and as a summary of the general nature of the letter.

Example of Business Letters - Sales and Promotional Letters

Tone Deaf Music
587 East Street, Anytown, MI 45123

August 15, 2004

Linda Goodman
Guitars and Such
784 Peach Street
Yourtown, MI 45126

Dear Mrs. Goodman:

I will be in Yourtown on September 5, 2004 and would like to meet with you at your office to discuss the new guitar models that you may be interested in for the upcoming year.

I have enclosed our latest catalogue. Please note the items in light blue highlights. They are the new guitar models to come in and are now on a special to preferred clients.

I will contact you later this week to schedule an appointment. If you need to get in touch with me, please call me at 1-888-457-7896. I look forward to talking with you. Thank you for your continued business.

Sincerely Yours,

Paime Mimonei
Sales Representative

Customer Relations Letters

There are various types of customer relations letters that may be in the form of acknowledging a complaint to thanking a customer. The main thing to remember is that the customer is always right. Write with this in mind.

These types of letters are very useful at keeping contact with your customer base. If you've been keeping your customers contact information (which you should be doing at all cost!), you can send your customer base a thank you letter and a special offer or buying incentive.

This is a great way to test new marketing ideas. These letters are designed to improve or maintain customer relations. I'd like to point out that you must keep you customer in mind at all times. The laws of good copy writing apply.

However, you want to generate interest and not sell your customer outright with a customer relations letter. You want to thank your customer and let them know how much you appreciate their business. On top of that, you want to thank them by offering a special deal just for preferred customers. It works .

Steps to Writing Customer Relations Letters

Step 1

The first part of the business letter states your purpose. This can be anything from acknowledging a complaint to thanking a customer for their ongoing patronage.

Step 2

The second part of the letter explains the purpose. If you are thanking a customer for their ongoing patronage, you would go into a little more detail here.

Step 3

The last part summarizes the letter. This part can be an added incentive or simply reiterate the customer's value to your business.

Example of Business Letters - Customer Relations Letters

Tone Deaf Music
587 East Street, Anytown, MI 45123

December 16, 2004

Linda Goodman
Guitars and Such
784 Peach Street
Yourtown, MI 45126

Dear Mrs. Goodman:

On behalf of Tone Deaf Music we wish to express our sincerest appreciation for your continued patronage. It is because of valued customers like you that we are able to continue to offer you the finest in modern musical instruments.

Tone Deaf Music has been in business for 30 years. We are dedicated to bringing you the finest in acoustic and electric guitars, bass guitars, drums and amplifiers. Our motto is to “provide our customers with the best value for the lowest price” We've been following this motto for the past 30 years.

Tone Deaf appreciates your ongoing patronage and because of that, we are offering you a special deal on all new signature acoustic models. If you call our offices within the next 15 days, we will give you a 15% discount on all new signature models purchased in the month of January.

Sincerely Yours,

Paime Mimonei
Sales Representative

Remember, these example of business letters are but a few of the many possible sample business letters. However, the above example of business letters should give you an idea of the different kinds of business letters.

Tottenham Hotspur

Tottenham Hotspur Football Club adalah klub sepak bola di London utara. Mereka juga dikenal sebagai Spurs, The Spurs dan Tottenham, sementara penggemar mereka memberi mereka nama the Lilywhites karena seragam tradisional mereka yang berwarna putih.

Motto dari klub ini adalah Audere est Facere yang merupakan bahasa Latin yang sering diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai "To Dare is To Do. Spurs memiliki perseteruan yang cukup tua dengan klub sekota, Arsenal, dan pertandingan antara Spurs dengan Arsenal terkenal dengan nama Derby London Utara.

Berdiri: 1882

Alamat: 748, High Road London N17 0AP England

Telepon: (0181) 365 55 000

Faksimili: 0844 499 5000

Alamat E-mail: customer.care@tottenhamhotspur.com

Laman Resmi: http://www.tottenhamhotspur.com/

Ketua: Daniel Levy

Stadion: White Hart Lane


Hotspur Football Club, cikal bakal Tottenham Hotspur, didirikan oleh sekelompok siswa All Hallows Church pada 1882. Nama Hotspur diduga diberikan sesuai nama Sir Henry Percy, yang juga dijuluki Harry Hotspur dalam karya William Shakespeare, Henry IV bagian pertama. Sir Henry memiliki tanah di kawasan pendirian klub, sehingga mempengaruhi pemilihan nama klub oleh siswa-siswa dari sekolah tata bahasa tersebut. Pada 1884, klub berganti nama menjadi Tottenham Hotspur Football Club and Atheltic Club demi mencegah kesamaan nama dengan klub lain, London Hotspur. Klub beralih status jadi profesional pada 1895 dan lantas mengikuti Southern League.

Prestasi Tottenham tak pernah menggembirakan sebelum akhirnya untuk kali pertama sukses menjuarai Divisi Satu musim 1950/51. Para pemain Spurs saat itu antara lain Alf Ramsey, Ronnie Burgess, Ted Ditchburn, Lee Duquemin, Sonny Walters, dan Bill Nicholson. Gaya "push and run" yang diperkenalkan manajer Arthur Rowe membuat Tottenham disegani lawan-lawan dan membuat tim diperhitungkan selama dasawarsa tersebut. Namun, gelar liga kedua Spurs baru diraih persis sepuluh musim kemudian. Salah satu faktor pendukung keberhasilan tersebut, konon karena kondisi lapangan White Hart Lane yang buruk, meski untuk ukuran saat itu.

Pada 1958, Bill Nicholson menjadi manajer dan memulai salah satu periode keemasan klub. Selama 16 tahun berkiprah di bangku teknik tim, Nicholson meraih delapan gelar utama. Ketika Nicholson pensiun, Spurs kehilangan kuku di Liga Primer. Spurs terdegradasi pada musim 1976/77 setelah 27 tahun berlaga di top tier. Fakta buruk ini disusul dengan penjualan kiper andalan Pat Jennings ke rival abadi mereka, Arsenal, yang tentu ditentang keras para fans. Pada 1980-an hingga 2000-an, kekuatan Spurs tetap diperhitungkan di kancah Liga Primer. Tapi, mereka baru sebatas menjadi klub kejutan yang belum benar-benar mampu mendominasi kompetisi sebagai tim dengan mental juara.

Gelar yang telah di raih oleh Totenham Hotspur adalah :

2 Football Leagues
8 FA Cups
4 League Cups
1 European Cup-Winners Cup
2 UEFA Cups
7 FA Charity Shields
3 FA Youth Cups,
dan yang terakhir adalah Piala Carling Tahun 2008.

Daftar Pemain :

1 Gomes Kiper
5 Jamie O'Hara Gelandang
23 Carlo Cudicini Kiper
6 Tom Huddlestone Gelandang
27 Ben Alnwick Kiper
7 Aaron Lennon Gelandang
37 Stipe Pletikosa Kiper
8 Jermaine Jenas Gelandang
2 Alan Hutton Bek
11 Rafael Van der Vaart Gelandang
4 Younes Kaboul Bek
12 Wilson Palacios Gelandang
13 William Gallas Bek
14 Luka Modric Gelandang
16 Kyle Naughton Bek
21 Niko Kranjcar Gelandang
19 Sébastien Bassong Bek
30 Sandro Gelandang
20 Michael Dawson Bek
33 Ryan Mason Gelandang
22 Vedran Corluka Bek
44 Nathan Byrne Gelandang
26 Ledley King Bek
46 Thomas Carroll Gelandang
30 Dorian Dervite Bek
47 Jake Nicholson Gelandang
32 Benoit Assou-Ekotto Bek
9 Roman Pavlyuchenko Striker
39 Jonathan Woodgate Bek
10 Robbie Keane Striker
40 Adam Smith Bek
15 Peter Crouch Striker
41 Calum Butcher Bek
17 Giovani Dos Santos Striker
45 Steven Caulker Bek
18 Jermain Defoe Striker
3 Gareth Bale Gelandang
38 Paul-José Mpoku Striker
5 David Bentley Gelandang

Selebrasi saat pertandingan Champions Leauge melawan FC Twente di White Hart Lane stadion utama dari Tottenham Hotspur.

Harry Redknapp ( Pelatih Kepala )

23 Solusi Sukses Ala Michael Jordan

Siapa tak kenal Michael Jordan. Sosok legendaris dalam dunia perbasketan NBA yang tak tergantikan sepanjang zaman. Sosok berjulukan Air Jordan ini telah mengundang pujian dari seantero dunia atas prestasi nya dalam dunia basket. Bahkan nomor kaosnya, 23, telah tergantung di langit-langit hall of fame sebagai bentuk penghargaan atas prestasinya.

Berikut sejarah singkat Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan lahir di Brooklyn, New York, Amerika Serikat pada tanggal 17 Februari 1963. Ia kuliah di University of North Carolina pada tahun 1981. Segudang prestasinya telah dicetak lewat tim basket kampus tersebut. Pada tahun 1984, ia direkrut oleh Chicago Bulls, salah satu tim basket NBA dimana kelak ia akan melambungkan namanya.
Dengan skor rata-rata 32 tiap pertandingan, Jordan berhasil mencetak 3000 skor dalam satu musim yaitu pada season 1986-1987. Sepanjang karirnya, Jordan telah 5 kali mendapat penghargaan MVP (Most Valuable Player) , yaitu pada tahun 1988, 1991, 1992, 1996, dan 1998. Ia juga dua kali membawa tim basket nasional Amerika meraih
medali emas pada olimpiade tahun 1984 dan 1992.

Pada tahun 1993, setelah membawa Chicago Bulls meraih juara, Jordan memutuskan untuk pensiun. Maret 1995, ia kembali lagi ke dunia basket NBA. Pada tahun 1996 sampai1998, Jordan membawa Chicago Bulls menjadi juara tiga kali berturut-turut.
Pada tahun 1998, Jordan pensiun untuk kedua kalinya.

Pada tahun 2000, Jordan berhubungan lagi dengan dunia basket, dengan membeli tim Washington Wizard. Tidak puas hanya memiliki dan melatih tim ini, ia memutuskan untuk bermain basket lagi di NBA. Kembalinya Jordan ke NBA pada September 2001 mendapatkan antusiasme yang tinggi dari publik. NBA telah mengalami penurunan rating televisi sejak kepensiunan Jordan pada tahun 1998. Walaupun prestasi Washington Wizard kurang memuaskan, Jordan pribadi telah bermain cukup baik.

Akhirnya, setelah season 2002-2003, Jordan benar-benar pensiun. Ia mengakhiri karirnya dengan mencetak total 32.292 poin, dengan rata-rata 30,12 poin per pertandingan. Ia menjadi yang terbaik di sepanjang sejarah NBA.

Sosok legenda ini tentu tidak meraih sukses nya begitu saja. Kegagalan demi kegagalan telah ia hadapi, sebelum ia dapat berdiri di puncak sukses seperti sekarang. "Saya sudah lebih dari 9000 kali gagal melakukan tembakan. Saya sudah hampir 300 kali kalah dalam pertandingan. Setidaknya, 26 kali saya dipercaya untuk menjadi algojo penentu kemenangan dan saya gagal. Saya gagal terus dan terus dalam hidup saya. Dan, justru karena itulah saya sukses," sebut MJ-demikian ia akrab disapa- dalam beberapa kali pidatonya. "Saya dapat menerima kegagalan, tapi saya tidak dapat menerima jika saya belum mencoba," ujar MJ mengungkap solusi sukses nya.

Bagaimana MJ memandang halangan? "Saat kita ingin mencapai sesuatu, pasti akan ada halangan. Saya juga menjumpainya seperti juga orang lain. Tapi, seharusnya itu tak perlu menghentikan kita. Seperti saat mendapati tembok, jangan berpikir menyerah, tapi coba lompati dan lewati," ungkap MJ. Dengan keyakinan inilah, MJ mampu mengubah tantangan itu sebagai batu loncatan mencapai sukses yang lebih maksimal.

Dan inilah 23 solusi sukses dari Michael Jordan

#1 : Segalanya dimulai dari Impian. Impian anda harus memberi semangat dalam hidup anda, sehingga mendorong anda untuk mengubah diri anda menjadi pemenang sejati.

#2: FOKUS. Latih pikiran Anda untuk ber-fokus pada karir yang sedang anda tekuni, dan singkirkan hal-hal sepele yang tidak penting.

#3 : Jadilah selalu yang terbaik di bidang anda

#4 : Energi Antusiasme adalah bahan bakar emosi yang terhebat. Tanpa antusiasme, anda tidak akan meraih apa-apa.

#5 : Jika kamu ingin meninggalkan jejak di pasir waktu, kerja keras adalah mutlak anda lakukan.

#6 : Penyebab banyak orang tidak berhasil, karena mereka tidak punya cukup sarana dan disiplin diri untuk berusaha mencapai cita-cita itu.

#7: Ketekunan bukanlah satu perjuangan panjang, melainkan banyak perjuangan pendek yang berturu-turut.

#8 : Kita semua bertanggung jawab atas kehidupan kita sendiri, tak ada orang lain yang bisa melakukannya.

#9 : Halangan tidak boleh menghentikan langkah anda. Jika dinding merintangi, jangan berbalik untuk menyerah. Carilah segala cara untuk memanjatnya, menembusnya atau mengitarinya.

#10 : "Saya dapat menerima kegagalan, tapi saya tidak dapat menerima jika saya belum mencoba"

#11: Pemenang selalu menganggap dirinya akan menang ketika pertandingan belum dimulai. Hidup adalah ramalan yang terpenuhi dengan sendirinya.

#12 : Kurangnya kepercayaan diri merupakan alasan utama yang membuat kita menghindar dari persaingan dan perjuangan. Dan tanpa perjuangan tidak ada kemungkinan untuk sukses.

#13 : Bakat memenangkan permainan, namun Kerja sama Tim yang solid memenangkan setiap pertandingan.

#14 : Berilah teladan yang positip bagi semua orang, dari setiap apa yang anda lakukan walaupun itu cuma 30 detik saja.

#15 : Komitmen individu terhadap perjuangan dan Tim. Jika Anda punya komitmen terhadap sesuatu, Anda tidak punya dalih apa pun kecuali mencapai tujuan anda.

#16 : Pemimpin yang baik, bukan hanya layak untuk diikuti orang lain, pemimpin yang baik harus menciptakan banyak pemimpin baru

#17 : Pemimpin yang baik adalah memberdayakan dan menciptakan nilai tambah bagi setiap individu dalam tim anda

#18 : Sembilan puluh persen kepemimpinan merupakan kemampuan untuk mengkomunikasikan sesuatu yang diinginkan oleh orang lain.

#19 : Orang tidak akan berhasil jika hanya mengandalkan teknologi, mereka akan berhasil jika mereka mengandalkan sosialisasi

#20 : Percayalah kepada orang lain dan mereka akan jujur kepadamu. Perlakukan mereka dengan baik, dan mereka akan menunjukkan kebaikan mereka.

#21 : Dibalik Keberanian terkandung kejeniusan, kekuatan dan keajaiban.

#22 : Rasa Hormat menghasilkan kepercayaan, kepercayaan menghasilkan kesetiaan.

#23 : Hanya ada satu orang yang dapat merumuskan kesuksesan dalam hidup anda, yaitu diri Anda sendiri.

Salute buat Michael Jordan. Four Thums Up! :)

Dalam hidup ini, sering kita menemui berbagai halangan dan rintangan, tidak jarang pula kita jatuh dalam kegagalan. Namun ketika kita berani berdiri lagi, sukses akan semakin dekat dengan kita. Winston Churchill berkata: “Keberhasilan adalah kemampuan untuk melewati dan mengatasi dari satu kegagalan ke kegagalan berikutnya tanpa kehilangan semangat”. Semoga sosok Michael Jordan dapat menjadi sosok inspirasi untuk kita semua dalam menemukan solusi sukses.


Fenomena yang sekarang sering terjadi atau kita jumpai adalah munculnya "alay".
Alay adalah kepanjangan dari anak lebay atau bisa di sebut juga anak layangan. Dominannya, istilah ini untuk menggambarkan anak yg sok keren, secara fashion, karya (musik) maupun kelakuan secara umum. Konon asal usulnya, alay diartikan "anak kampung", karena anak kampung yang rata-rata berambut merah dan berkulit sawo gelap karena kebanyakan main layangan.

Berikut pengertian alay menurut beberapa ahli :
Koentjara Ningrat:
"Alay adalah gejala yang dialami pemuda-pemudi Indonesia, yang ingin diakui statusnya diantara teman-temannya. Gejala ini akan mengubah gaya tulisan, dan gaya berpakain, sekaligus meningkatkan kenarsisan, yang cukup mengganggu masyarakat dunia maya (baca: Pengguna internet sejati,
kayak blogger dan kaskuser). Diharapkan Sifat ini segera hilang, jika tidak akan mengganggu masyarakat sekitar"

Selo Soemaridjan:
"Alay adalah perilaku remaja Indonesia, yang membuat dirinya merasa keren, cantik, hebat diantara yang lain. Hal ini bertentangan dengan sifat Rakyat Indonesia yang sopan, santun, dan ramah. Faktor yang menyebabkan bisa melalui media TV (sinetron), dan musisi dengan dandanan
seperti itu."

Dan inilah kamus bahasa alay :

Gue : W, Wa, Q, Qu, G
Lo/kamu : U
Rumah : Humz, Hozz
Aja : Ja, Ajj (Ajj bacanya apa ya?)
Yang : Iank/Iang, Eank/Eang (ada juga yang iiank/iiang)
Boleh : Leh
Baru : Ru
Ya/Iya : Yupz, Ia, Iupz
Kok : KoQ, KuQ, Kog, Kug
Nih : Niyh, Niech, Nieyh
Tuh : Tuwh, Tuch
Deh : Dech, Deyh
Belum : Lom, Lum
Cape : Cppe, Cpeg
Kan : Khan, Kant, Kanz
Manis : Maniezt, Manies
Cakep : Ckepp
Keren : Krenz, Krent
Kurang : Krang, Krank (Crank?)
Tau : Taw, Tawh, Tw
Bokep : Bokebb
Dulu : Duluw (Dulux aja biar bisa ngecat rumah)
Chat : C8
Tempat : T4
Sempat : S4
Telepon : Tilp
Ini : Iniyh, Nc
Ketawa : wkwkwk, xixixi, haghaghag, w.k.k.k.k.k., wkowkowkwo (bacanya apa coba tolong jelaskan)
Nggak : Gga, Gax, Gag, Gz
Hai : Ui (Apa Ui? Universitas Indonesia?)
SMS : ZMZ, XMX, MZ (oh god...)
Lagi : Ghiy, Ghiey, Gi
Apa : Pa, PPa (PPa ???)
Tapi : PPi
Mengeluh : Hufft
Sih : Siech, Sieyh, Ciyh (nggak sekalian aja Syekh Puji)
Dong : Dumz, Dum (apa Dumolit?)
Reply : Repp (ini yang paling sering ditemukan di dunia maya)
Halo : Alow (menurut kalian, apakah kita teletubbies?)
Sayang : Saiank, Saiang
Lucu : Luthu, Uchul, Luchuw
Khusus : Khuzuz
Kalian : Klianz
Add : Et, Ett (biasanya minta di add friendsternya)
Banget : Bangedh, Beud, Beut (sekalian aja baut sama obeng)
Nya, contoh : misalnya, jadi misalna, misal'a, misal.a
Imut : Imoetz, Mutz
Loh : Loch, Lochkz, Lochx
Gitu : Gtw, Gitchu, Gituw
Salam : Lam
Kenal : Nal (buset irit karakter banget)
Buat : Wat, Wad
Cewek : Cwekz
Cowok : Cwokz
Karena/Soalnya : Coz, Cz
Masuk : Suk, Mzuk, Mzug, Mzugg
Punya : Pya, P'y
Pasti : Pzt
Anak : Nax, Anx, Naq
Cuekin : Cuxin
Curhat : Cvrht
Terus : Rus, Tyuz, Tyz
Tiap : Tyap
Kalau : Kaluw, Klw, Low
Setiap : Styp
Main : Men
Paling : Plink, P'ling
Love : Luph, Luff, Loupz, Louphh,loph
Makan : Mumz, Mamz
Yuk : Yuq, Yuqz, Yukz
Lupa : Lupz
Udah : Dagh
Kamu : Kamuh, Kamyu, Qmu, Kamuwh
Aku : Akyu, Akuwh, Akku, q.
Maaf : Mu'uv, Muupz, Muuv
Sorry : Cowwyy, Sowry
Siapa : Sppa, Cppa, Cpa, Spa
Kakak : Kakagg
Kalian ---> kly, kln, klyn (klien?)
Gak Tahu ---> gtw, gaq tw
Assalamualaikum = Chamleeqummbh, camLeQumPh
Sibuk = cHybuQh, ciiBugH
Lagi apa ni = gie Apz nUe, gii Pa NicH
Sayang & kangen = SaiiaNk, SayaNQ,saiYongg, kaNgeDh, KangeuNnd
kok = kogH,
Sms = Cmz
Makan = MumpH
Ia = iagH
Kan = kanDh..qaNh
Thank you = teNgs

Foto-foto alay :

Dan semoga fenomena ini tidak berlangsung lama, dan kembali menjadi normal kembali.


PADI, sebelumnya hanyalah salah satu band kampus yang ada Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya. Beranggotakan Andi Fadly Arifuddin (Fadly, Vokalis), Satriyo Yudhi Wahono (Piyu, Gitar), Ari Tri Sosianto (Ari, Gitar), Rindra Risyanto Noor (Rindra, Bass), dan Surendro Prasetyo (Yoyok, Drum).

Andy Fadly Arifuddin (Fadly)

Satriyo Yudhi Wahono (Piyu)

Rindra Risyanto Noor (Rindra, Bass)

Surendro Prasetyo (Yoyok, Drum)

Ari Tri Sosianto (Ari, Gitar)

Sebelum bernama PADI, band ini dulu bernama SODA. Mereka tampil pertama kali di sebuah acara kampus di Fakultas Hukum Unair Oktober 1996. Barulah pada tanggal 8 April 1997 mereka mengganti nama band-nya dengan nama PADI. Nama ini dilontarkan pertama kali oleh Yoyok, sang drummer. Selain karena filosofinya semakin berisi semakin merunduk, ibarat makanan pokok mereka menginginkan band ini bisa dinikmati oleh semua orang. Mulai dari tukang becak, anak kecil, hingga para eskesuktif berdasi. Meski nama PADI sering dianggap "kampungan", karena dianggap makanan orang susah. Tapi PADI punya makna sangat membumi, di mata mereka PADI juga merupakan lambang kesejahteraan.